
Marginal Distribution

Three ways to sample from P

  1. Draw (x,y)
  2. Draw y according to its marginal distribution, then x according to the conditional distribution of x | y
  3. Draw X according to its marginal distribution, then Y according to the conditional distribution of y | x

$\mu$: distribution on $X$
$\eta$: conditional distribution y|x


Normal Classifier
$h : x \rightarrow y$
$R(h) = Pr_{(x,y) \in p} (h(x) \neq y)$, where R = risk

Bayes Optimal Classifier
$h^* : x \rightarrow y$

\begin{equation} f(x)=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $\eta(x) \geq \frac{1}{2}$} \newline 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation}

$R(h^*)$ should be minimum, so $R^* = R(h^*) = \mathbb{E}_{x \in p}[min(\eta(x), 1 - \eta(x))]$


Algorithm is consitent if $R(h_n) \rightarrow R^*$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$

Nearest Neighbor Classification

Pick n points at random from $P = (\mu, \eta)$
Let $h_n$ be the 1-NN classifier based on these. 1-NN is not consistent.

e.g. consider the following distribution

  • X = [0, 1], y = {0, 1}
  • $\mu$ is uniform on X
  • $\eta$ = 14 everywhere

Bayes optimal classifier

  • $h^* = 0$
  • $R^*$ = 14

For 1-NN classifier

  • Pr(error) = Pr(two coins of bias, 14 disagree) = 34 * 14 * 2 = 38 > $R^*$
  • $R(h_n) = 2R^* (1 - R^*)$

For k-NN classifier, it’s consistent ($R(h_{n,k}) \rightarrow R^*$) if

  • k is grwoing fn of n with $k \rightarrow \infty$, $\frac{k}{n} \rightarrow \infty$
  • $\eta$ is continuous


  • if $\eta(x) = \frac{1}{2}$, then $R(h_{n,k}) = 1 / 2$, $R(h^*) = 1 / 2$
  • if $\eta(x) \lt 1 / 2$, and assume there is Ball B around x, Pr(inside B) = $\mu(B)$ knn search radius
  • As $n \rightarrow \infty$, graph become more dense, radius of B become smaller
    • Pr(k-NN of x fall in b) $\rightarrow$ 1 as $\frac{k}{n} \rightarrow 0$
    • Pr(majority voe of their label is 0) $\rightarrow$ 1 as $k_n \rightarrow \infty$
    • for example, $k(n) = \log n$


  • All data i.i.d. from fixed unknown distribution over X x y
  • Can’t cover shifting distribution
    • $\mu$ changing, $\eta$ fixed(covariate shift): different handwriting/speech distribution
    • $\mu$, $\eta$ both change: classifying articles $\rightarrow$ politics, sports