Gradient Descent

A simple algorithm to go “downward” against the gradient of the function. Gradient


Algebrically: $$w_{t+1} = w_t - \eta \nabla f(w_t)$$ where $\eta$ is called learning rate or step size.

Step Size

  1. $\eta$ too small, slow convergence
  2. $\eta$ too large, solution will bounce around

In practice:

  1. Set $\eta$ to be a smalle constant
  2. Backtracking line search (work when $\nabla f$ is continuous)
    • Parameter $\bar{\alpha}, c \in (0,1), \rho \in (0,1)$. Descent direction $P_t$ (an negative value input to the algorithm, could be against gradient but doesn’t have to).
    • Set $\alpha = \bar{\alpha}$
    • Rpeat until $f(x_t + \alpha P_t) \leq f(x_t) + c \alpha \nabla f(x_t)^T P_t$
      • $\alpha \gets \rho\alpha$
    • Terminate with $\eta_t = \alpha$